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Senator Carper visits the FVFC - Station 76
Thursday, January 3, 2008
It is a privilege to announce that the Frankford Volunteer Fire Company has been selected to receive the 2007 Assistance to Firefighter Grant (AFG). During round eighteen of the grant funding the FVFC was selected to receive $72,438.00 for Operations and Safety. The department will use the monies received to put in service an exercise room that will be available to its membership. The grant will also fund the implementation of a physical fitness and firefighter safety plan. The officers and members of the Frankford Volunteer Fire Company would like to thank our own Deputy Chief Robbie Murray and Fire Lieutenant Patrick Quigley for writing our 2007 AFG. Senator Tom Carper visited the FVFC today to talk about some of the positive outcomes that could be obtained with receiving funding such as this. Also, he took the time to have an informal conversation with many of the department’s operational and administrative officers. Senator Carper was instrumental in putting together a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grant writing class for the fire service, which our own Patrick Quigley attended prior to writing our grant application. The FVFC would like to thank Senator Carper for the time he took to visit the Frankford Volunteer Fire Company.