Frankford Volunteer Fire Company


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Fire Safety

More than 4,000 Americans die each year in fires and approximately 25,000 are injured. An overwhelming number of fires occur in the home. There are time-tested ways to prevent and survive a fire. It's not a question of luck. It's a matter of planning ahead.

Every home should have at Least one working Smoke Alarm

Buy a smoke alarm at any hardware or discount store. It's inexpensive protection for you and your family. Install a smoke alarm on every level of your home. Working smoke alarms can double your chances of survival. Test it monthly, keep it free of dust and replace the battery at least once a year. Smoke alarms themselves should be replaced after ten years of service, or as recommended by the manufacturer. 

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Knox Box Program

Complete Information on our Knox Box Program


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Fire Alarms

Jan: Jul:
Feb: Aug:
Mar: Sep:
Apr: Oct:
May: Nov:
Jun: Dec:
Past Years:
2024 - 167 2023 - 180
2022 - 162

EMS Alarms

Jan: Jul:
Feb: Aug:
Mar: Sep:
Apr: Oct:
May: Nov:
Jun: Dec:
Past Years:
2024 - 540 2023 - 511
2022 - 576

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