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Contract Signing for new Engine/Tanker - Sta. 76
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
On Tuesday May 21, 2013 the members of the committee to purchase a new piece of fire apparatus met with Brian Bashista, Vice President of Atlantic Emergency Solutions for the purpose of contract signing. The purchase of this apparatus was authorized at our May 10, 2013 regular company meeting. The company will purchase a new Engine Tanker built by the Pierce Manufacturing Company that will hold 3000 gallons of water and a crew of seven firemen. Once delivered it is intended for this apparatus to serve as the companies first due fire apparatus to all fires. The committee has been working on this project since October of 2011 and we hope to take delivery of the new truck by January of 2014. The members of the committee are as follows: Chairman/Past Chief John Wright, Co-Chair/Past Chief Tommy Bacon, President Russell Hooper, Fire Chief Hunter Holland, Chief Engineer Bill Ireland, Sr., Past Chief Engineer Vincent Hitchens, Engineer Robert Murray, and Past Chief Brian Hitchens.